Man Breasts?
"Female breasts," according to the Arizona Supreme Court, don't constitute "private parts" under state law.o.O What about man breasts?
Technorati Tags Stupid Law, Arizona, USA
heh. sex. and law. and stuff. 'nuffin important
"Female breasts," according to the Arizona Supreme Court, don't constitute "private parts" under state law.o.O What about man breasts?
In London, it's illegal to have sex on a parked motorcycle.... yet sex on an unparked motorcycle constitutes unsafe sex. Wots a girl to do?
In Tibet, many years ago, the law required all women prostitute themselves. This was seen as a way to gain sexual experience prior to marriage.Yeah but it was really the men that needed the practice.
The Asiatic Huns punished convicted male rapists and adulterers with castration. Female adulterers were merely cut in two.Eeeewwwww